The 6 Most breathable shoes for sweaty feet (for Women)

The 6 Most breathable shoes for sweaty feet (for Women)

Finding comfy, breathable shoes for sweaty feet is a pain. I know that from experience because I have a condition called hyperhidrosis that makes my feet sweat more than I should! And of course, there are a few tricks that can help with sweaty feet, like wearing insoles, using powders, having moisture-wicking socks for sweaty…

Treat hyperhidrosis with Iontophoresis: the pros and cons

Treat hyperhidrosis with Iontophoresis: the pros and cons

When you have hyperhidrosis, you’ll want to try a few treatments to see what works best for you specifically. Once you’ve tried the less intrusive ones (antiperspirants and wipes), you’ll want to try iontophoresis. Let’s go over what it is, and what are the pros and cons of using this. What is iontophoresis? Below in…

Treat hyperhidrosis with aluminum lotions or anticholinergic wipes

Treat hyperhidrosis with aluminum lotions or anticholinergic wipes

You tried antiperspirants to treat your hyperhidrosis and that’s not enough? Or it’s your hands or feet that sweat excessively? Botox, Iontophoresis, and ETS Surgery are very intrusive ways to treat hyperhidrosis, so you want to try a simpler option first to see if it would suffice: aluminum solutions or anticholinergic wipes. Below are details…

Treat hyperhidrosis with ETS Surgery: pros and cons (my personal experience)

Treat hyperhidrosis with ETS Surgery: pros and cons (my personal experience)

(this is a picture of my dry hand 10 years after ETS Surgery) If you’re reading this, I take it you’ve tried everything from antiperspirants to iontophoresis to treat your hyperhidrosis, right? If you haven’t, please read about the different treatments available for hyperhidrosis on this blog and online and start from the less intrusive…

What it’s really like to use a iontophoresis machine

What it’s really like to use a iontophoresis machine

You’ve tried antiperspirants, wipes, and they didn’t work for you. So now you’re about to give iontophoresis a shot? You should, because it works great! But the reality of doing a iontophoresis session is not as nice and easy as advertising makes it seem! So before you get started, you need to be mentally prepared…